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I love how you incorporate lore into the things that you do, even in physical games! I check out all of your work on today and you always have a great mind for this stuff.


Thanks so much! I would be up to my shoulders in SCP if it weren't for other fandoms because I think it's so cool! I figured this was one small way to show my interest in it.

There are just so many cool stories & things out there, and I don't have the time to devour all of them. But I do what I can with what I have. <3


Fun little way to interact with the SCP Universe. As a journaling game or as a means of sparking a creative bit of fiction for the SCP wiki, I think it could be a wonderful resource. It does rely on referring to the scp-wiki entry for multiple entities which can slow down play, but I don't see any reasonable way around that so, it's something to note but is not necessarily a deterrent to the ability to enjoy the game.

I read through and did a play-test of this as part of a blog, where I go into more thoughts about it here:
